
How Website Translations Can Maximize Your Omnichannel Customer Experience

According to Superoffice, when surveyed 1,920 business professionals about their top priority in the next five years, about 45.9% reported that they would prioritize customer experience (CX).

It's not a surprise because, in another study by Walker Info in 2020, 86% of respondents said they would pay more for better CX.

One way of enhancing your CX is by maximizing your omnichannel strategy that centers around the CX principles. Today, we'll discuss how website translations can improve your Omnichannel's CX and maximize it to increase retention from international customers.

If you want to learn more about this, then keep on ready!

Why Should You Enhance the CX in Your Omnichannel Strategy?

Before anything else, let's first discuss what Omnichannel is? It's an approach in eCommerce wherein you create a seamless buying experience for your customers through multiple channels. In an omnichannel approach to your eCommerce sites, you will have to integrate different channels that promote, communicate, and distribute your brand's products and services to your customers.     

Now when defining what omnichannel CX is, it mainly focuses on how you approach CX in your omnichannel strategy. For example, identifying the needs of your customers and addressing them accordingly.

We've listed a couple of data and facts omnichannel CX you should consider when implementing website translations in your strategy:

  • About 88% of companies have heavily invested in CX, making competition harder over the years. (Deloitte)
  • Of the top 10 million websites, 60.4% of the content was in English, while only 16.2% of the entire population spoke that language. Meanwhile, only 1.4% of the same top websites were in simplified Chinese, even though 14.3% of the world's population speaks this language. (Visual capitalist)
  • More than three channels in a campaign saw a 287% increase in purchases compared to single-channel ones. (Omnisend)

The data presented shows that many companies prioritize boosting CX and omnichannel potential in eCommerce sites. However, many eCommerce businesses fail by incorporating website translations in their omnichannel CX strategies to make their experience simpler and more engaging.

How Website Translation Plays a Crucial Role in Omnichannel CX

Besides your competitors not prioritizing the cultural and linguistic aspects in omnichannel CX, there are several reasons why website translations should be your top priority when planning to increase your interaction with international customers.

Data Reportal reported that about 33.3% of international users that are of a working age use translation tools as they search online. The major disadvantage of overlying online translation tools in making your eCommerce content available in another language is that it's most likely to mistranslate the meaning of the text.

If you were to work with professionals specializing in website translation services, they would create SEO-friendly multilingual content that would make it more accessible on their search engines while ensuring top-quality translations convey your brand's message. Relying on Google Translate and other online translation tools doesn't optimize your eCommerce sites and doesn't enhance your overall omnichannel CX strategy.

Your international users deserve the best CX from your eCommerce, and mistranslations and cultural inconsistencies will disrupt this immersive flow. Because of this, when you're planning to target a specific market, part of your strategy is preparing and utilizing techniques based on their cultural and linguistic preferences.

5 Point Questions for Creating an Omnichannel CX for Your Target Users

To get you started in creating the right omnichannel CX strategy for your target users, we've listed a few questions you will need to answer as you plan your strategy.

1. How well do you know your target users?

There are various reasons you're planning to enter international markets, like fewer competitors and increasing profitability. But if you're planning to gain more customers, you will have to identify your new audience, depending on your market research and way of creating a buyer's persona.

This process will take some time as you might have to conduct surveys to identify market gaps and do competitor research. It will help you understand where you can pinpoint what parts of your business's operations and marketing strategies need improvement.      

In knowing more about your users, you can provide better services and instruct the website translator on how you would like to best accommodate your customers on your site.   

2. Do you have the experts to integrate the changes to your eCommerce site?

Often the reason why many eCommerce sites fail to enter and integrate into another market is that they haven't collaborated with experts. These experts could be eCommerce marketing experts, website translation services, local consumer behavior specialists, and content creators.

Collaborating with experts in being part of the planning and integration of changes in your omnichannel strategy will ensure that changes are successfully implemented to increase the user engagement of your target market.   

3. What social media platforms do they usually use?

The usual reason why many online businesses fail to maximize their social media accounts is largely due to not knowing which social media platform their target audience is more active on. Social media platforms allow you to have more direct contact with your customers and foster a relationship with them.

If you're not updated on the latest trends on social media and don't know where your customers are flocking towards, your omnichannel strategy is in danger of becoming obsolete. Each market is specific, that's why you should also know which social media metrics are important to track. For example, two years ago, Youtube was the top social media platform in Germany, but recently Whatsapp took its place. In your market research, you should identify these small nuances to not waste time and opportunity on which social media sites you should prioritize.

4. What is your multilingual content marketing strategy?

It's not enough that you created a multilingual website. You should market your eCommerce site with content in the native language and culture of your target users.

As mentioned, your most significant advantage in translating your eCommerce site is that it makes your business more accessible and geo-target oriented compared to others solely in English. So with content creators that are masters in your target market's native language and culture, you can create appealing multilingual content that's useful and entertaining. Combined with a multilingual SEO strategy, you can increase your ranking on local search engines where your users can easily find.

5. Is your eCommerce site ready to accept payments and delivery to your target market?

As you know, each country has its preferred way of sending payments and delivery systems. The challenge of creating an omnichannel CX for your international customers is integrating various payment and delivery methods that would efficiently get them to purchase your products and avail of your services.

One way of ensuring that your international customers have access to your brand's products and services is by having it across multiple marketplaces, which resolves some of the payment and delivery issues in catering to your target market.

So during your market research period, look into the kind of delivery and payment options your target customers use and decide what you will include in your omnichannel strategy as it will make integrating it easier than adding it later.

Final Thoughts

Creating that customer experience where the customer is in a state of "flow" as they navigate your eCommerce site is easier said than done. Omnichannel CX is your best bet in increasing your site's conversion rate, and by incorporating website translations, you can make a lasting impact on your international customers.

How to Look After Your Financial Situation Better

Business owners with an e-commerce company know that the market is incredibly saturated. Not only is there a lot of competition out there, there is also a growing rise in costs. This means that you need to work extra hard to stay competitive and increase profits. Your business plan should feature strategies that revolve around revenue generation, as well as streamlining processes and operations in order to reduce costs. Here are a few top tips to help you look after your financial situation better.

Get Business Insurance

One of the most fundamental ways to look after your business’s financial situation is by getting adequate business insurance. No matter how large or small your business is, getting it insured can help protect your assets. E-commerce business insurance can give you risk protection, it can help recover costs when faced with damages, and it can help cover costs in case of a data breach. Not to mention, it is often a mandatory requirement for legal trade for many e-commerce businesses. KBD Insurance is an insurance broker that offers different types of business insurance. They provide an array of insurance quotes and can help you find the best rate by comparing quotes from different companies.

Place Focus on Customer Retention

When it comes to running an e-commerce business, many business owners place a lot of focus on customer acquisition. However, did you know that it can cost five times more to acquire a brand new customer than it does to retain an existing one? With this in mind, it makes sense to spend more of your time and money on customer retention if you want to improve your financial situation. Your customer retention strategy should include building a loyal customer base by engaging existing consumers via social media and targeted email marketing. By reaching out to existing customers and making them feel valued, you can increase the probability of customer advocacy too. In turn, your existing customers can help drive new business to your online store.

Do Your Research on Popular Payment Options

Although it is a sensible idea to offer multiple payment solutions, it is an even better idea to do your research and identify the most popular options used by your customers. By narrowing down the number of payment options you offer, you can get rid of excessive monthly processing fees. Many online shoppers possess more than one payment option, so it is likely that they will be affected if you minimize the number of options you make available to the public.

Keep Shipping Costs Under Control

Shipping and packaging expenses can be shockingly expensive, which means that you need to slap on an extra fee to simply provide shipping and handling services to your customers. You can try lowering these costs by doing business with a shipping carrier that provides free boxes and investing in adequate shipping insurance. In addition, you should research shipping costs with various companies and choose the carriers that suit your type of business.

Stripe Payment Methods

Beginning using Stripe involves deciding how you'd like to pay. This guide will take you through the benefits of every payment method provided by Stripe.

Stripe is quickly becoming the most well-known payment processor in the world.

It is currently utilized by a variety of companies across the world. It is the most exemplary model of online payments. One of the reasons it's so well-known is the range of integrations available. It provides a broad range of payment options available from a variety of service providers.

This article will help you in determining which payment options are suitable for your specific company's model or personal needs.

Debit cards and credit cards

A lot of online businesses utilize Stripe to offer the Stripe check-out service. Customers can pay for their purchases directly using credit cards as well as debit cards. The processing of credit cards through Stripe is completely free. Customers do not require an account to make payments using their credit cards.

Many card types are accepted as well as Amex.

Stripe allows you to change the appearance of forms used to check out. You can create a unique check-out that is branded to the business that you represent!

Card Payments are For You If: 

  • You would like to sell digital or physical items on the internet.

  • You can issue invoices

  • Your site can be configured to take credit card transactions

  • You'd like to handle international credit card payments

The following list details Credit and Debit cards that are accepted by Stripe

  • Visa

  • Mastercard

  • American Express

  • Discover

  • Diners

  • Japan Credit Bureau (JCB)

  • China UnionPay (CUP)

Key Features:

  • Regular payments are supported.

  • Instant confirmation of payment from both ends of the transaction

  • Supports Refunds

  • The amount of dispute is high.


Digital Wallets

Digital wallets are virtual money bags that are linked directly to the bank account of the person receiving them. It is among the newest payment options. However, they are becoming more well-known. They are suitable for payments in person, which are contactless, as well as online transactions.

Mobile wallets are safer when compared with credit card transactions. They generally require users to enter an identifier or swipe their finger in order to authenticate their transaction online.

Digital wallets are perfect for you If:

  • You are selling physical or digital products and want to increase conversion on mobile devices

  • You don't have an account with a subscription

The following list contains Online Wallet providers who are accepted by Stripe

  • ApplePay

  • Google Pay

  • Click to pay

  • Microsoft Pay

  • WeChat Pay

  • Grab Pay

  • AliPay

Key Features:

  • Helps with regular payments

  • Instant confirmation of charge on both ends of the transaction

  • Support Refunds

  • Have lower rates of disputes than cards.

Redirects as well as Redirects, Bank Debits, and Credit Transfers

Bank debits occur when your client gives you their bank account details and consents to have money directly debited from their account.

Bank redirects add another additional step in the procedure of debiting. The payment gateway sends the client to a web portal owned by the bank that they can access to authorize debit. They don't enter their bank account details directly in the application.

Bank transfers from banks to credit cards are the kind of transfer we are most familiar with. The bank's details are provided to the buyer. They'll process your transaction using that information.

Bank Transfers are perfect for you if:

  • You'd prefer to spend less on processing fees. The cost of transactions starts at 1%.

  • There's no need for immediate payments. Bank transfers generally require 3-5 working days to process.

  • You do have a subscription for any kind of service. 

Key Features:

  • Refunds are supported.

  • Only bank redirects give instant confirmation of payments.

  • You can create automated payments by direct debits. Credit cards aren't able to work as periodic automatic payments.

  • Bank debits are an excellent option to settle disputes, but they have the lowest rate of disputes.

Pay Now, Shop later.

Pay later, buy now options are popular among online retailers. It's quick to credit.

The entire amount is then paid by the finance provider. The customer then is responsible for the installments of the finance company in which the customer has committed to repay the full amount.

Buy Now, Pay Later for You If:

  • You'd like to offer high-end items on the internet

  • You don't have to be concerned about the increased costs of processing

A list of Pay-Now Pay-later Providers that accept Stripe

  • Klarna

  • Afterpay

Key Features:

  • Reimbursements

  • Doesn't support recurring payments

  • Medium dispute rate.

  • Confirming the payment can take a few minutes.

Important Takeaways

The Stripe payment method is part of every pie available online! Select the best payment method and get at your fingertips to shop and assist your company! Stripe can assist you in making transactions straightforward without worrying about your cash! While Stripe manages your transactions allow experts from studycrumb to do your homework and ease your life completely.

SaaS Security Risks: What You Need to Know In 2022

In 2022, SaaS will be the primary delivery model for enterprise applications. As a result, organizations must pay close attention to the security risks associated with this new way of doing business. 

Don't worry, we are here to help! In this blog post, we will discuss SaaS security best practices for secure customer data storage. We will also outline the new risks that businesses face in 2022 and how to overcome them. Finally, we will ask the question: Will SaaS security measures slow business?

What Is SaaS?

It is a type of software that is delivered over the internet, instead of being installed on a local computer or server, often using a thin client such as a web browser.

Thanks to the growth of high-speed internet access, SaaS has become a popular delivery model for many business applications, including customer relationship management (CRM), enterprise resource planning (ERP), and human capital management (HCM).

What Are SaaS Security Best Practices For Secure Customer Data Storage?

There are several best practices that organizations should follow to ensure the security of their customer data:

  • Use strong encryption methods to protect data in transit and at rest.

  • Implement access controls to restrict who can access sensitive data.

  • Conduct regular security audits to identify vulnerabilities.

  • Use a secure development lifecycle to ensure that applications are built with security in mind.

What Are New Risks In 2022?

The rise of SaaS has created new risks for businesses, including the following:

  • Data breaches: Because customer data is stored in the cloud, it is more vulnerable to attack than data stored on-premises. Because SaaS applications are hosted online, they are vulnerable to data breaches. Hackers can gain access to customer data if they can penetrate the security defenses of the provider.

  • Compliance issues: Organizations must ensure that their SaaS applications meet all relevant compliance requirements.

  • Vendor lock-in: Once an organization commits to a SaaS solution, it can be difficult and expensive to switch to another provider. This can lead to vendor lock-in, which can limit an organization's flexibility and increase its dependence on the SaaS provider.

How To Overcome The Risks?

Fortunately, there are several steps that organizations can take to overcome these security risks:

  • Educate employees about security risks: Employees should be aware of the potential risks of using SaaS applications and how to protect themselves from them.

  • Conduct regular security audits: Regular security audits can help identify vulnerabilities in SaaS applications and ensure that they are properly addressed.

  • Use a secure development lifecycle: When developing SaaS applications, organizations should follow a secure development lifecycle to ensure that security is built into the application from the start.

  • Implement security controls: Organizations should implement security controls such as encryption, access control, and auditing to protect their data.

  • Select a reputable SaaS provider: Organizations should carefully select a SaaS provider that has a good reputation for security.

  • Use encryption: Encryption is a process of transforming data into a format that cannot be read by anyone who does not have the appropriate decryption key. This ensures that data is protected in transit and at rest.

In addition, the use of SaaS (Software as a Service) solutions means that companies are reliant on third-party providers. This can create vulnerabilities if the provider is not adequately protected. As a result, it is important for companies to be aware of the new risks associated with SaaS solutions and to take steps to protect themselves.

Will SaaS Security Measures Slow Business?

No, SaaS security measures will not slow business. They may even improve business efficiency by reducing the need for IT support. Additionally, SaaS providers often offer their customers an SLA (service level agreement) that guarantees a certain level of uptime and performance. This means that businesses can have peace of mind knowing that their applications are always available and running smoothly.

While SaaS providers must take steps to protect customer data, these measures will not slow down the business. Many of the security measures that SaaS providers use are invisible to users and have minimal impact on performance.


So there you have it! These are the things you need to know about SaaS security in 2022. We hope this blog post has been helpful.