
Our Team

Here are some members from our team

King of the Castle, Lead Developer Architect and Founder

He is responsible for most of ideas, standards and concepts in the AbanteCart, UI, architecture and core code. This person has spent last 15 years in IT industry, building small and large scale financial and eCommerce applications for US companies.

Dmitry Suprunenko, Lead Developer

Dmitry is a master mind in building core code and making it clean, expandable and scalable to strict AbanteCart project standards. Other 9 years experience as developer and system administrator is a defined factor in Dmitry's success in his role.

Boris Eremenko, Analyst/QA and User Documentation

Boris is dedicated Analyst/QA resource to help AbanteCart project to stay bug free. He does not let any problem or missed functionality stay unaddressed.

Christian Paraiso, Business Analyst

Christian transforms project plan requirements into user stories for the AbanteCart product backlog . Using industry trends and listening to community requirements, he selects and prioritizes product backlog items to add more value to upcoming AbanteCart version releases.

Larejun Pineda, Extension Developer

Larejun organizes the extensions and all around the engine for extensions to make AbanteCart more juicier and functional. His attention to details and delivery of well organized code with slick design is a great contribution.

Andrey Mikhaylyk, UI and API Developer

Andrey is a great contributor to AbanteCart API and most of user interface. He closely follows AbanteCart concepts and fight issues quick and fearlessly

There are more AbanteCart project members and contributors that prefer to stay anonymous.
We would like to thank all the members for very hard work and contribution to AbanteCart project and it's success.