AbanteCart New Version 1.0 RC1 is available

  • Monday, 26 March 2012 03:59
  • Written by 
New AbanteCart version and upgrade package are now available for download or upgrade

See below release notes: Release Notes: Version 1.0 RC1
Major In this version:
  • Licensing change from GPL to Open Software License (OSL 3.0). Visit: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/OSL-3.0
  • Storefront API Beta version. API to offer JSON RESTFul connectivity to storefront to empower AbanteCart with mobile application envelopment and customers mobile access
  • Updated example data set
  • Final step to stable release
  • Various improvements and fixes. See below:
Fixes and improvements:
  • Fixes to listing blocks and SEO URL Bugs
  • Added info about Yahoo currency server
  • Fixed missing texts in Multistore settings
  • Redirect and action URLs for submitting currency/language forms were empty for template extensions
  • Fixes to UI in resource library.
  • fixed notify_url for paypal callback
  • Storefront: listing block now have one block tpl per placeholder
  • Listing block view bugfix. Special block added into layout.
  • Control Panel : message manager bunch deleting bugfix. Report->sales result bugfix.
  • Core: mail class now writes errors into log and send message about failed mail.
  • Control Panel: coupon usage bugfixes. (limits os usage of coupon worked incorrectly)
  • Initialized $error as array() to avoid foreach() warning
  • Core : Aconnect fix. Curl use with option CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER=>false now.
  • Control Panel: extension store now show message if connection failed
  • Core : compression for install process now disabled
  • Fix bug with layout if method is used in the RT
  • Control Panel: Resource Library sort order saving bug fix. Design block form ui bugfixes
  • Set product shipping default to true
  • Improve code for formatting customer address and remove redundancy in the code
  • Fix for thumbnails files saved to one directory. Thumbnails now save in the same directory structure as resource library
  • Control Panel: sale/orders orders saving bugfix. ui-bugfixes
  • Update to tax zone.
  • Add separate session for Storefront and Control panel to fix login conflict issue and improve security.
  • Control Panel: Category listing grid UI update. Products and subcategories count added.
  • Update to mail class and customer registration validation
  • Control panel : compression bugfix. "Echo" replaced by setOutput in response controllers
  • Control Panel : downloads ui bugfixes. Resource library now auto-apply new uploaded file in 'url' mode. Download related bugfixes.
  • Control Panel : ckeditor adding resource from library window size bugfix
  • Control Panel + Storefront : Global Attributes fixes. Products multivalue options process correctly now.
  • Control Panel : jqgrid localization added
  • Control Panel: multivalue listing of related products now does not contain parent product. (Prevents product's relate recursion)
  • Control Panel: product option weight class selectbox option bugfix. Now you can set default weight class or % into option values data set
  • Core: In index.php now set default encoding UFT-8 for multibyte library (mb_ functions)
  • Storefront: wrong search results for product with non-Latin characters inside name.
  • Control Panel: bug fix of incorrect saving of new product option status.
  • Core: Update to router and fix of bug with incorrect controllers
  • Core : gz-compression level from settings usage bug fix.
  • Core : Created new class AFilter for searching and filtering result set. Improved some jqgrid filtering in admin
  • Core: html-class. HtmlButton now process 'href' parameter. It needed for simple link-buttons.
  • Storefront: discount work bug fix
  • Storefront: wrong weight calculation bugfix
  • Storefront: form elements moved from tpl to controller using global HTML class
  • Extensions: form elements moved from tpl to controller using global HTML class (alertpay, moneybookers, liqpay, aim)
  • Various styling and translation related bugs.
  • 10519
  • Last modified on Thursday, 16 October 2014 07:28