Product Photography for an Online Shoe Stores: Tips and Tricks
Technology has made online shopping a breeze. Recent studies done in 2024 show that e-commerce retailers made slightly more than $4 trillion in sales. More brands are setting up online stores to accommodate the increased amount of shoppers who prefer shopping from the comfort of their homes.
Whether you are setting up a grocery shop or an online shoe store, high-quality product photography is crucial. If the product images are appealing, people will visit your online shop more often and stay longer. This will help your SEO and assist you in turning leads into sales.
Below are tips to consider when doing shoes product photography.
Let There Be Light
Natural light is the best option for photography. You can capture especially stunning shots if you take photos when the sun is rising or setting, but try to avoid direct sunlight. It will create harsh shadows in your photos, and the resulting shots will not be as clear.
Sometimes, placing filters on the windows can make the light softer, eliminating shadows in your shoes photography. You could also get a light diffuser to soften and disperse the light.
Also, think about investing in artificial lights. Two softboxes can transform your studio, allowing you to take photographs anytime.
Background is Key
Everyone wants consistency in their online store. You want your shoes and other products to have a distinctive but consistent look. This will help you build brand authority and will help your products stand out in the competitive online marketplace.
A clean and minimalist background is ideal for product photography for an online shoe store. Choose subtle colors like white, grey, or a neutral shade matching the shoes. The goal is to make your shoes the main subject in your shots.
Be Creative
Taking shots using the same technique will not do your online store any good. You want to showcase the shoes from different angles. Take close-up shots to display unique features and designs on the shoes.
Additionally, consider using props to add more life to your shoe photography. You can place shades or flowers next to the show to create a theme relatable to the shoes’ design. Another option worth considering is hiring models to create distinct moments. You can take photos to show how the shoes can be paired with different styles.
Use Quality Gear
Having a personal studio for your product photography will give you full control as a creative. High-end smartphones can do the job if you are on a budget. However, consider investing in a DSLR or mirrorless camera.
A tripod is a must-have in your studio. It will help you capture sharp images, especially when you are trying out different angles. It also does a wonderful job of keeping your camera steady.
Summing Up
Product photography for an online shoe store can make or break your business. The tips in this guide will help you elevate your shoe photography to new levels. Along with the tips we mentioned, try to learn new photography and editing skills.