AbanteCart New Version 1.1 is now available
New AbanteCart version and upgrade package are now available for download or upgrade inside your existing AbanteCart
See below release notes: Release Notes: Version 1.1.0
Updates In this version:
New Features and improvements summary:
See below release notes: Release Notes: Version 1.1.0
Updates In this version:
New Features and improvements summary:
- Stock tracking and product and options auto-disabling with no stock
- Stock quantity details in API
- Admin quick look up for easy and fast data access
- Quick edit dialog for settings and language definitions
- Nested listing added to admin categories, menu and global attributes.
- Improved settings and store management.
- Improved data Import/Export
- Coupon usage is now reported per each coupon.
- Added warning if leaving page with unsaved edited form details.
- Language issue fix for api requests
- Tax rate description now not required field. If it not set tax_class title will be taken. Tax class cache issue fix. Minor mailing bugfix.
- Added orders total's type.
- Increased recommended memory_limit to 128Mb
- Alog class improvements.
- Added block wrapper processing and management. Old block wrapper form field renamed to "block framed"
- Fix for "no_image" issue.
- Cache file with store's settings renamed to "settings.store". Settings cache cleaning is improved.
- Ajax responses updated to validate data in the requests. 406 HTTP-status code is returned with json formatted string instead plain text.
- Subcategories custom layout bugfix
- Cart Class performance improvement. Reduce load on repetitive requests
- Organized config settings into config manager. Cleaning init.php and move config load to AConfig class constructor
- Cleaned up index.php and init.php file to perform clear tasks
- Fix for stock tracking functionality for options.
- Making product model as not required data
- Added settings to display stock and model
- Improvements and bug fixes to parent/child attributes.
- Fixed form for creation new user for admin panel.
- JavaScript number formatting disabled due to instability in case of other languages formatting
- IE related JavaScript bugfixes
- IE memory leak fix with jqgrid.
- Menu language loading set to silent mode
- Coupon form now contain info about total coupon usage. Extension: PayPal pro & PayPal pro uk bug fix.
- Quick save added for order details fields
- Extension edit form changes. Required mark added for form fields.
- Mail send added for customer approval ( save and quick save )
- Product option value's resource processing bug fix
- Permission related improvements.
- Multistore cache bugfix
- Settings and store management changes
- Settings grid now have quick edit dialog
- Form multivalue field ui bug fix
- Submit form preventing added for "quicksave" by JavaScript
- Add permission wrapper methods canAccess and canModify. Add JSON error handler to generic error class
- design/blocks tab link bug fix
- New parameter "default numbers of rows for all grids" added in settings.
- Banner manager now installed by default
- Location zones edit bug fix.
- Aconnect class changed. Now works in php safe mode. Package installer minor fixes.
- Jquery upgraded to 1.7.2
- jquery-ui upgraded to 1.8.22
- Custom css for jqgrid and jquery ui elements now placed in stylesheet folder.
- Quick suggestions added for global search input field.
- Message manager grid batch deleting bugfix
- Extension list changes. Clear message for broken extension was added.
- Blocks grid changed. Filtering and stats added.
- Error log file now shows only last 500 Kb in system->logs->error log menu.
- Small fix for getOrderStatuses
- Fixed Spanish translations of order statuses on system->localization->order statuses page.
- Fixed texts on buttons in message popup window.
- Location zones list rebuild by jqgrid. Layout form and product options list ui-bugfix.
- Installation package warning message extended.
- Added extensions filter by store in the grid listing
- Adding Grid Tree listing for parent / child data
- Update to settings and store section
- Stock Quantity request for storefront API
- Bug fix and clean up in Import/export
- Layout saving improvement to preserve location of blocks. Hide section if missing in layout
- Fixed javaScript error "jq_model[index] is undefined". Var align will be set to 'middle' if jq_model[index] is undefined.
- Add warning on page leaving if form is edited.
- product-to-category saving bugfix
- reports->sale sorting bugfix.
- Fix storefront (admin) to be centered if fixed width storefront setting is used.
- Added response controller for adding products without any options to cart directly from listing by ajax (if ajax cart enabled in the settings)
- featured product list bugfix. Now selects only enabled products.
- Pagination bugfix
- product page additional image full size bugfix
- Hook var hk_html_attribute added to page.tpl. This is to add attributes to HTML tag for pages
- Various ui bugfixes
- Improve language and currency selector
- PayPal standard. Checks for malicious orders added. Fix for permission error in the listing grid